Ice Age Premium Glacier Water

Since 1995 Gold Medal taste award. Award winning water. The gold standard for bottled water. Total dissolved solids: only 4 parts per million. An experience of tasting the difference and the incredible soft texture. Exceptional and unique characteristics not found in any other water. Genuine glacier Water, a Canadian treasure. Ice Age Genuine Glacier Water is authentic, microstructured by ice filtration from a time long ago. Scientifically documented to be absolutely the world's purest and softest water. Naturally eco-friendly without disrupting nature's water table. Sustainably balanced Ice Age is collected from the released glacial melt at the foot of the glacier - A Zero Water Footprint. Our Bottles: Have no BPA. And are made with 25% recycled P.E.T 1 food grade plastic. Please recycle again! Genuine Glacier Water. Genuinely Pure. Exclusively sourced from British Columbia's pristine, remote, and environmentally protected coastal glacial range at Alpine Cree, Toba Inlet. Water Analysis: Total dissolved solids (minerals) 4 parts per million (4mg/L) Hardness 2 mg/L, Zero MTBE, Zero chlorine, zero sodium, zero arsenic, zero bacteria, zero crypto. View and compare our complete water analysis and find special offers on our website. Product of Canada.