Irwin Naturals CBD + Stress-Defy 84 Liquid Softgels

Cannabinoids are naturally produced in our bodies. They act on the endocannabinoid system, which regulates pain, mood, memory, stress-response, immune function, sleep, appetite and a host of other things. Supplementing with CBD, a plant-based cannabinoid, may have a beneficial impact on this system. Finding calm in a world of constant stress can seem like an impossible task - yet, stress-management is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being. That's why we developed CBD +stress-defy - a formula specially designed to counter the effects of occasional stress and to support a healthy stress response by promoting relaxation of the body and mind. Relax your body: Rhodiola has been used traditionally as an adaptogenic botanical mat may inflame your body’s resistance to stress. Calm your mind: L-theanine is a soothing nutrient that supports a relaxed yet alert state of mind without sedation. Gaba enhances a relaxed mind and ginkgo is prized for its ability to promote mental functioning. Replenish stress-fighting reserves: A combination of essential vitamins, minerals and special botanicals helps to support your central nervous system when you need it the most. this comprehensive formula supplies targeted nutrients to help you thrive under times of stress. What makes us different: Liquid soft-gels - the nutrients in these easy-to-swallow liquid soft-gels are released fast. Other forms of delivery can contain binders and fillers that may cause stomach upset and offer no nutritional value. Advanced liquid soft-gels provide an optimum delivery system. Full-spectrum hemp extract with L-theanine, Rhodiola ginkgo and GABA. Global responsibility: Over the years we have donated to organizations that support the environment and the health of our children. Patented Bioperine: Our special Bioperine complex enhances the bioavailability, absorption and potency of many nutrients.